Travel Blog - Ditch the Map

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Dublin to Cork (and around)...

Cork, Ireland
I have not gotten any comments or emails for the last 3 or 4 posts so this will likely be my last posting. Woke up early in Dublin and took bus to Cork. Checked in, dropped of my bags since room wasn't ready and went out. Walked for 4 hours or so to all the 'sites' and then rested and a quaint little pub. Talked and met many interesting people. Took a bus to Blarney, saw the castle and stone, which I didn't kiss. The most impressive thing was not the stone or castle, but the grounds around. Things are SO expensive. Went out to a diner and fell asleep around 10:00. In the last couple of days I've eaten hamburgers, french fries and so many other deep fried dishes. I hate eating like shit (though it tastes so good). I will need to get back on track while I'm home.

Woke up early today (very early) and took an hour+ long bus ride to the city of Kinsale. It's a port city. Very quaint and colorful. Walked 6km and saw Charles Fort. Beautiful. Walked around some of the city and came back to Cork. Walked to many other places, but I already know what I did and it seems like many people have not been reading this blog, which is fine... I'll just keep it short as not to waste my time. Met an Italian and two Germans, we went to the Fort together. Walked around the town of Kinsale some more then took the bus back. Walked around Cork some more but got tired...I'm always tired now. Got some subway and only paid 6.50 USD with my student ID for a foot long. For comparison a banana in a shop cost me 85 cents and a bowl of soup was about 7 dollars. Walked through the English Market, which I enjoyed. I don't know what to do with myself now.? I've gotten SO good at seeing an entire city in such a short time that It's hard on my body, but great on time. Too early to sleep and yet nothing much else to do, shy of going to a museum, opera, etc. Believe it or not but I've even managed to have a couple beers in a few pubs every day to relax. I am waking up very early tomorrow and catching a 7:30ish bus to Galway, which should only take 4.5 hours. I should be able to check in and start out on the city by 1, which gives me the day and night to see Galway. The following day, on Sunday, I'm going to take another day trip to the Burren and the Cliffs of Moher. The day after that, my last day in Ireland, I'm not sure what I'll do. O well, cheer!